I’d been round the back.
Jo havia estat al darrere.
Font: TedTalks
It has two "false eyes" on its rear.
Tenia dos “ulls falsos” al darrere.
Font: Covost2
He had a part of the people behind him.
Tenia una part del poble al darrere.
Font: MaCoCu
Three women are smiling with paintings behind them.
Tres dones somriuen amb diverses pintures al darrere.
Font: Covost2
Parked cars with a school bus behind them.
Cotxes aparcats amb un autobús escolar al darrere.
Font: Covost2
There’s a lot of work that went into it after that.
Hi ha un munt de feina al darrere.
Font: TedTalks
Two inside pockets and one rear exterior.
Dues butxaques interiors i una exterior al darrere.
Font: MaCoCu
Fire escapes on the back of a Cincinnati building.
Escales d’incendis al darrere d’un edifici de Cincinnati.
Font: wikimedia
Is there a deeper reason beyond?”
Hi ha una raó més profunda al darrere?
Font: MaCoCu
A brown dog chasseing a white dog.
Un gos marró corre al darrere d’un gos blanc.
Font: Covost2
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